Girls golf: Heights & Noblesville score big Wednesday wins


The Hamilton Heights girls golf team won a nine-hole dual meet with Elwood 202-228 Wednesday at Bear Slide.

Presley White led the Huskies with a medalist round of 45. Taylor Morrison scored 46. Other Heights scores were Fiona McDonald 55, Tanner Penwell 56, Sammie Powers 61, Alayna Kauffman 62, Emma Trees 63, Lila Loutner 66, Mackenzie Heinzman 67 and Brooke Bentley 71.


Noblesville’s junior varsity team beat Brownsburg 165-189 Wednesday at West Chase Golf Club.

Lauren Turpin was the meet medalist with a score of 38. Other Millers scores were Gillian Cota 41, Savannah Munson 42 and Ramsey Baltz 44.

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