Submitted by Noblesville Schools
High schoolers in the spotlight
Noblesville High School was the spotlight school at January’s board meeting. Students presented on the high school’s journalism programs, including their academic mission, student engagement, culture of excellence and state recognition. Support and follow NHS journalists at Miller Media Now.

Noblesville High School students spoke at the January board meeting to board members about the high school journalism programs. (Photo provided by Noblesville Schools)
New high school courses
With over 300 course options, NHS continues to enhance academic opportunities for students to best prepare them for college and careers.
The following new courses were recently approved: Robotics Design and Innovation, Principles of Teaching, Astronomy, Meteorology, Advanced Placement Science Research, Sports Officiating.
Bus drivers needed
Like many businesses across the nation, Noblesville Schools is currently challenged by labor shortages. There are vacancies among several support staff areas including bus drivers, custodians, food service employees, and classroom assistants.
Bus drivers are still safely transporting students to and from school, but the driver shortage has been causing delays for some bus routes. These delays happen when a driver must cover two routes instead of one due to staff vacancies.
School officials have been working hard to ensure all student transportation needs are met and all available licensed staff are assisting with routes.
Ten bus driver positions need filled. Noblesville Schools bus drivers are the highest paid school drivers in Hamilton County and are eligible for benefits.
Click here to meet bus driver Amber Siversten. Click here to explore careers at Noblesville Schools.
Upcoming events
- The Savor Noblesville food and wine festival benefiting North Elementary is Feb. 2.
- Miller-Palooza, the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation‘s premier party of the year, will be March 10 at the Embassy Suites.
- Spring break is March 27 to April 7.
- Kindergarten registration opens April 17.
- Noblesville students are highly accomplished in academics, athletics and performing arts, and many of our high school events are open to the general public. Find specific event information at Noblesville Millers Athletics and Noblesville Music.
Did you know?
Noblesville High School set an Indiana High School Athletic Association state record on Oct. 29, 2022, when girls cross country, girls soccer, and boys soccer all won state championships on the same day. Since 2014, NHS has won a total of 12 athletic state championships. Click here to learn more.
District leadership
Dr. Daniel G. Hile joined Noblesville Schools as superintendent in July 2022, and he enjoys connecting with the community. Please feel free to reach out to school staff, district leaders or to Dr. Hile personally if you have school questions, concerns, or ideas to share.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Hile, and click here for his most recent State of the Schools address.