George Kristo: Committed to serve

From working to curb youth drug and alcohol use to his continued support of Janus Developmental Services, George Kristo lives out his wife’s philosophy of leaving a place better than you found it. (From left) Dan Stevens, Kristo and Jim Grabowski. (Reporter photo by

Noblesville Kiwanis Sunrisers award Kristo for making Hamilton County better

The late Dr. Linda Kristo’s personal philosophy was to “leave the place better than you had found it.” That’s exactly what her husband George Kristo has done and continues to do today.

To honor that commitment to service, the Noblesville Kinwanis Sunrisers on Tuesday recognized Mr. Kristo for his and his wife’s decades of work to make Hamilton County a better place with the Maureen & Bob Anderson Community Service Award.

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George and Linda moved to the area in 1990 from Toledo, Ohio, following George’s 32-year career with Blue Cross. For nearly 20 years, they played host to the alcohol and drug-free New Year’s Eve Party for county teenagers, as well as the Summer Family Fun Day. Linda’s specialty was her homemade brownies.

For 22 years, George was the head of the Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs, which he led with the mission of reducing alcohol and drug use among the county’s youth population.

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Today, he has expanded his impact and supports the North Suburban Alcoholics Anonymous Club, the DARE program, the Hamilton County Drug Court, the Red Ribbon program in county schools, Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD), the various Youth Assistance programs across the county, Cherish, the Boys & Girls Club, the Hamilton County Historical Society, and Noblesville Main Street. In addition, he has matched donations giving to Janus Developmental Services during its annual Giving Tuesday campaign.

Truly, George and Linda Kristo embody what it means to serve others and show compassion and leadership within their community.

1 Comment on "George Kristo: Committed to serve"

  1. Elizabeth Williams | June 15, 2022 at 3:30 pm |

    What a positive impact to have on a community! Such a nice way to live a life of service.

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