Frustrated Noblesville residents turn to social media

Social media lit up Wednesday morning with hundreds of comments after the Reporter published an article indicating Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen debuted the city’s new logo at a Hamilton Southeastern school board meeting.

Jensen, in a telephone conversation with Reporter Publisher Jeff Jellison, said the Reporter’s article was incorrect, and that he had released the new logo to several Noblesville organizations prior to the HSE meeting.

A majority of Wednesday’s social media comments focused on the city’s decision to remove the historic courthouse from the logo and the quality of logo’s design.

Some asked why Noblesville would do a public survey on five logo options, then choose an option not included in the survey.

The Reporter has chosen to publish a cross sample of comments from social media and the Reporter’s website which questioned the city’s decision on the new logo. No comments published were edited for content or grammar.


Janet Hart Leonard

This is so wrong. Generic. Anytown, USA

We are unique. When you have to explain a logo it losses its attraction. So disappointed.

But I’m old Noblesville and this is jmho.


Michelle Kish Pauls

It’s terrible. So generic i agree with other comnents that you can add “anytown” in the middle and it would be the same for any other city. Old logo is much better.


Lynne Sylvester

It is cheap looking. Just terrible.


Mandi Beatty

For some reason the new one reminds of a UPC/QR code. I hate it. The other one has character and what I always look for when it comes to Hamilton County online


Sean Murray

Wow, 4th grade powerpoint, i would have been happy to do this for 10 k and could provide in about 10 minutes….side note, i have nothing to do with graphic design, unfriggin believable but typically indicative if all government spending


Morgan Jackman

So they left to the people to vote and then they still chose a different one why does this sound so familiar


Denise Mcdonald

I do not like it, to plain. No special character!


Chrissy Weiland

I like the old one better. They should have saved the $20,000 and put it towards bettering our community


Rebecca Davis Merritt

Wrong on too many levels: people asked to vote on different designs and did and then one (an awful one IMO) not voted on is selected and new logo first shown in a different town than Noblesville (yes I know some Noblesville students attend school in Fishers.


Drew Miller

So voted between 5 choices then end up using one that wasn’t voted on? Sounds about right. An art student could have made a better design.


Cathy Hare Reid

Loved the old, not the new. This is sad, sad, sad


Janet Jaros

I was with the city when the old one was done, I didn’t like it because it was a county building, not city. I was told it was the jewel of Noblesville. The new one is really bad. We have more going for us than this and the logo doesn’t show it.


Justin Kimbrell

This terrible logo is clearly the result of a design committee where every person got their $.02 involved, which completely sterilized the logo. Who made it some weird cyan color that has no reflection on Noblesville?


Susie Roberts

The new logo shows no character or creativity. The old one was much better. I am disappointed


Debbie Bryant

This is so cheap looking!! Noblesville has character and lots of history. This new design is just plain


G Trent Caldwell

Just sooo bad…sorry, but this is so elementary and they even asked for community input and ignored it. Sad that we now have the logo of a Florida souvenir shop!


Scott Stemen

Really ?? That looks awful! The old one is much better. I think our courthouse should be incorporated


Les White

I first thought it was an April fools joke.


Judy Land Roberts

What a waste of money. Nothing wrong with old one!!!


Shawn Hendrix

As someone in this field, this is a lazy design. There is nothing that makes this unique or draws back to the history of our town. Rebranding is always a tricky thing, but what makes it successful is to reestablish the equity from the past and evolve it for the future. This is not it. For $20K the firm should have spent more time researching the history instead of using generalities. Local firm would have been a better fit.


Susie Parker-Lehman

No wonder we’re not taken seriously, this was such a waste of money


Larry Snair

Not one mention of who is ultimately responsible for the change and where the buck stops – MAYOR CHRIS JENSON.


Shannon Fleming Schrock

The new one is so boring. Why on earth did someone get 20k for that.


Karen Marshall

Not impressed, very blah. And to think WE paid for that


Ron Bounin

Nothing worse than have the people pick one of 5 potential logo’s, and the city selecting one that wasn’t one of the five choices.


Lisa Gelfo

Yea that one is not good. At all. Has no feel of noblesville


Linda Reel Nicholson

Sad, really sad. Noblesville deserves better than that.


Karen Sommer Robinson

Sometimes change is not a good thing.


Kim Murden Keefer

Miss the small town downtown feel and look


Barbara Colvin

This one feels bland. Doesn’t show or speak anything about noblesville!


Peggy Ennis

Who did we offend with the old one? New one is boring!


Juan N Donna Vazquez

Sorry but like the old better! Enjoy seeing the old courthouse/jail in the picture. Now it is BORING!


Kimberly Brown

Super disappointing


Jeanette Craw

Not inspiring at all.


Terry Bentley

Lot of thought went into that….um, lets just make it a square. you would have thought it would have included the river or Potters bridge..


Jennifer Witsken

Big mistake. Our courthouse is one of our biggest assets. Who’s the brainiac who thought this s–t up?


Lynne Davison

The old one was MUCH better!


Susan Cook

That’s a fail. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Heather Redick Clouser

This is a horrible design! Whomever commissioned this needs their head examined!


Heather Slater

What’s wrong with the old one? I think it’s perfect and shows the courthouse. Who’s bright idea is it to make the change? They need their head examined.


Lynn Lippert Poynter

How disappointing, doesn’t show anything unique which I think Noblesville is. Someone in a boardroom felt the need to update and negated what is iconic about the ‘ville. So generic and could be anybody’s town.


Pam Mallery

The old one with the courthouse is great! The new one looks generic and unexciting and unimaginative. Ugh


Jonathan Matthew Swinford

Today’s society seems dominated by the idea of new. New phone. New car. New apps. All of this is great, right? Tired of the old? In with the new. Don’t want to wait and be patient? There’s something new waiting around the corner. Or so it seems. Smh


Shannon Vanderpohl

Why does Noblesville need to be rebranded? Wonder what real good the $20K could have done.


Gary Blackledge

Elementary kids could have come up with a better idea and fed lots of kids for their design


Jeff Zeckel

The city just wasted $20k. As part of old Noblesville what a terrible new design! They just negated 180+ years of our history!


Bonnie Martin

This is a childish looking logo. Was it designed by a elementary student cause it sure looks like it!


Denise Henke

The powers that be must be ashamed of the historical courthouse!!! Just another step in removing Noblesville charm!!


Peggy Harger-Russell

$20,000 is just a start… wait til they start reprinting all the letter head, business cards etc… what will that cost??..$$$$$$


Margaret Ambrose-Lips

I kinda like the old one better. Change is good. I just like the fact that we have such a beautiful downtown area that brings a lot of people to that area .. the old logo gives the feeling of the nostalgia of the beautiful old buildings.


John Adams

Not a fan, took all of the character out of our unique history.


Vicky Gaskin

Pathetic. Not a fan. Waste of money. I’m asking for a refund !!’


Lauren Elizabeth

If 2020 had a logo


Beverly Dell Morgan

I do not like the new logo. That is not what made us a great town to live in. Been here for 50+ years. The courthouse is a statement of Noblesville. If we change too much and get too big, may have to rethink living here.


Anthony Di Palmo

For a $20K rebranding campaign, you could of easily ran a survey to the town of Noblesville to see what the people want to see. I wonder who they hired to create this… Hopefully somebody local. It would be very sad to discover that money was sent to a company out of state. Nonetheless, the logo itself is just a bit too modern from the old logo.


Louis Hadad

Literally looks like something you’d see on a website that makes logos for $2


Jennifer Hall

Did you not have a meeting with any designers in it? The old one is way better. If a college critique didn’t teach you anything- you should probably stick to fixing the roads.


Tracy Gaskill

This is awful! Leave it alone and we spent how much for a block with an N at the top? My dog could have done better than this!


Bob Souder

Government in a nutshell


Debbie Pouch

What was wrong with the old one? Mad this happened.


Jennifer Greene Woolums

I do think the old one was tired but the new one just looks boring.


Jason Vernier

Why even ask for residents input if you aren’t going to follow it? From the article: “After receiving several de-sign options from Hiron’s, Noblesville offered area residents the opportunity to vote one of five options. The new logo was not among them.”


Wendi Groves Mikulla

Why did we pay money for that! Waste of taxpayer’s money!! Keep the old one and get a refund


Donna Steger

That could be a logo for any town anywhere too generic.


Chris Allen

Since this new logo is overwhelmingly hated will the city listen to its citizens?


Don Smith

No contest,the old one is better


Jennifer Gipson

Old one is great! Represents both old town and new town. The courthouse is a staple in this town. Please go back to the old one.


Joe Murello



Casey Eschmann

The charm of Noblesville lies with the downtown area & courthouse…not feeling the new logo


Max Merrell

The courthouse is an iconic figure! One of the most defining buildings in the county. not too impressed


Alys Caviness-Gober

Loved the old one, and voted to keep it when the City of Noblesville, Ind. asked for votes (this new logo was NOT even one of the choices). New one looks like a toilet paper brand.


John Farmer

The new logo says nothing. Not inviting at all. Please scrap it.


Carla Johnson Cusanelli

Old one its the Courthouse that makes it Noblesville its in the center its a landmark its history….oh wait i forgot people are getting rid of history…. What a waste of 20k they could have used that money for a worthwhile cause.


Jim Meacham

$20K of your money was paid to Hiron’s, a consulting firm from Indianapolis. Hiron’s submitted five (5) different logos for consideration. (That’s $5 grand per logo idea). Our wonderful City Hall then picked a logo that was not even submitted by the consulting firm for consideration… ? The new logo was announced & viewed at the Hamilton Southeastern School Board meeting, in Fishers…??!! Anyone else see something a bit abnormal, about the selection & announcement of this new logo?


William Pierce

Nice (((logo))) they chose there. Where can I be (((chosen))) for a 20k windfall where I can scribble some doodles down so they can throw them away? Everything is pure cooincidence.


Bryan Huff

The new logo is horrible and looks like something generated by a logo making app. The new logo does NOT speak to the cities rich history or any new progress. It is a meaningless, lifeless block lacking any creativity.


Beth Lear

Wow that is one plain unattractive logo. Too bad every inch f charm is being stripped away. Trying to turn noblesville in to fishers or Carmel isn’t attractive to residents but as usual leadership doesn’t care


Dave Kimm

Looks like an 8th art project


Debby Stark

What a waste of money.

2 Comments on "Frustrated Noblesville residents turn to social media"

  1. Linda Barnhill | March 18, 2021 at 2:20 pm |

    Is it just me or is there a push to remove our square out of the public eye? Seems like they are pushing activities to Federal Hill and then removing our historical Court House off our logo reminds me of the Political push to remove historical monuments and landmarks. They want to remove history out of our towns. Noblesville is the county seat and the old logo represented that title. The new logo is a disgrace and is very generic. Did someone go to work one day and just decide to change our logo?

  2. Jim Meacham | March 22, 2021 at 4:03 pm |

    After reading comments here, and on other forms of social media, I doubt City Hall would get the ‘IDEA’ that folks are not to thrilled with our novice Mayor’s latest mess-up.

    By the way, who’s design was selected? I have yet to see a name or relationship (if any) to City Hall employees… just sayin’.

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