From the desk of Superintendent Arrowood


Hamilton Heights Superintendent

Update #47 from Dr. Derek Arrowood, Superintendent, Hamilton Heights School Corporation

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a message that said children should return to classrooms because it is safe for them to do so. The agency said the “preponderance of available evidence” indicates that in-person instruction can be carried out safely as long as mask-wearing and social distancing are maintained. Moreover, researchers found “little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission” when proper safety precautions are followed.

This reaffirms what we have seen this school year and supports our efforts to keep our buildings open and students in class, provided it is safe to do so. With that said, the CDC noted an important caveat that will still require limits in other community settings as well as making tough decisions about indoor sports practices and attendance numbers. We will continue to follow good data, policy, and guidelines from our health partners at the local and state level to keep our students and staff safe and in school.

Looking ahead, we have a four-day weekend (Feb. 12-15), and spring break (March 29 to April 9) right around the corner. We encourage careful consideration in your activities and travel for these breaks. While we are currently seeing a downward trend (to pre-holiday levels) of cases in Hamilton County, we are advised that the contagious season is not yet behind us.

With that in mind, if you are planning to travel outside the country be sure to check the CDC’s COVID-19 travel recommendations. Any travel to a COVID-19 “Level 4” country requires notification to the school nurse and quarantine upon return. Click here to check levels as they are fluid. This does not apply to domestic U.S. travel at this time, but there is a possibility that travel could be affected if state mandates change between now and spring break.

As you may be aware, new coronavirus variants that carry greater transmissibility have emerged throughout the U.S. and have made their way to Indiana. Our health partners are closely monitoring this situation. If we’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s to stay diligent in our efforts to prevent the transmission and spread of COVID-19 inside our buildings and throughout the community. The best defense remains to be masking up, distancing, avoiding large group activities, and keeping children home if they are ill.

In other recent events, School Board Vice President Doug Ozolins was invited by the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA) to testify on their behalf at the Statehouse. Doug encouraged state legislators to continue to support local control and local decision making at the school board level, specifically as it pertains to the school calendar and school year start date. The HHSC School Board is an active member of the ISBA, the preeminent resource in school governance and a respected advocate of public education.

If you have a minute, check out Hamilton County Health Department’s recent edition of “From the Frontlines.” Host Tammy Sander talks with Sara Cox, Director for Hamilton Heights Little Huskies Learning Center, about keeping our youngest Huskies safe and in school. Click here to watch. Have a healthy and safe week!
