Four students from Noblesville to show nation Indiana’s spirit of competition

The Select Show Horses 2022 National Academy Team. (Back row) Kaedence Gertiser, Adelyn Wagner, Joan Kazeck, Elaina Smith, and Brenda Lekse. (Front row) Ella Wilson. (Mia Brunner is not pictured but is still on the team.) (Photo provided)

Four Noblesville students will soon represent Hamilton County and the State of Indiana at the National Academy Championship Horse Show, held Nov. 3 to 6 in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Kaedence Gertiser, Elania Smith, and Adelyn Wager – all seventh graders at Noblesville East Middle School – and Ella Wilson – a second grader at Stony Creek Elementary – are riding with Select Show Horses, 25109 Six Points Road, Sheridan, and were chosen for the National Academy Team.

The National Academy Championship Horse Show is the only three-day, three-judge academy show in the nation. Riders from all over the country attend each year in the spirit of competition and to raise money to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Last year, the show saw 1,214 entries from 18 states.

This year’s show will be livestreamed by Event Mix Promotions. To learn more, visit