Former Sheriff Mark Bowen endorses Kelly Mitchell for Congress

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Dear Editor,

It is with great honor that I write you in support of Kelly Mitchell for 5th District Congress.

I had the honor and privilege to serve as Hamilton County’s Sheriff from 2011 to 2019. Needless to say, public safety has been my life’s mission, and I’m proud that with the help of countless first responders, we have made Hamilton County one of the safest places to live, work and raise a family in the nation. Public safety continues to be my top priority and Hamilton County has been fortunate to have federal and state leaders helping us achieve our mission. These strong partnerships have never been more important, given the challenges presented to police, fire and EMS as we navigate the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic.

One of the strongest partnerships public safety officials have enjoyed is with State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell, who is running for Congress in Indiana’s 5th District. I cannot think of a more committed and prepared person to continue the important work done by our retiring Congresswoman, Susan Brooks.

Many don’t know that as State Treasurer, Kelly Mitchell is Chair of the Statewide 911 Board. This critical job ensures that Indiana’s 911 system is dependable and meets citizens’ needs in an era of 21st century communication. Under Kelly’s leadership, Indiana became one of the first to implement statewide “Text to 911,” a system that allows anyone to send a text message to their local dispatcher, instead of making a phone call. This technology has proven effective in a variety of situations in which someone may not be able to make a phone call. This technology has saved lives, and it couldn’t have happened without the leadership and commitment to public safety that Kelly Mitchell has shown as State Treasurer.

We need leaders like Kelly in Congress to continue this important work, not only for Indiana, but for our entire nation. She has earned my vote for Congress and I encourage anyone that cares as much as I do about public safety and our first responders to cast your vote for her as well on June 2.

Mark J. Bowen

Hamilton County Sheriff – Retired