Former opponent supports Jensen for Noblesville mayor

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Dear Editor,

Recently I have seen and heard remarks regarding Chris Jensen’s journey in his pursuit of serving as our next mayor. As someone who highly values trust in the integrity of leadership, I understand the concerns I have heard.

In running against Chris four years ago, one of my top concerns in him representing and serving Noblesville was in regards to his campaign’s financial contributions. I was also concerned that he was part of what I refer to as “the good ole boy” network and was being groomed to just do as donors and long-term representatives dictate.

Neither of these conjectures were true of Chris then, and neither of them is true of him today.

The choices he makes and has made over the past four years, he has done with integrity and with what is in the best interest of Noblesville. He absolutely looks to preserve our rich downtown history while also moving us forward in growing as an even stronger community.

I have been amazed by how Chris has pressed into so many areas of our city in the past four years serving as our city councilor. He spends time listening and determining what is best for us comprehensively. We will not all agree on every decision, but Chris has been open to hearing – really listening – to every voice.

If you are open to listening, I suggest you meet with him or even meet people who support him. Four years later, I say I am thankful I ran against Chris Jensen and I am thankful I lost to Chris Jensen. Chris has exemplified good leadership and has earned my support and my vote.

My family and I are grateful for his commitment to Noblesville.

Michele Leach
