Former Noblesville teacher says time to get back to academics, supports Misti Ray & Melba Kiser for school board

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Dear Editor:

I have been a Noblesville resident for over 18 years. I have two sons who both went through Noblesville Schools. I am a former teacher and now a social worker. I value the importance of all students being educated equally. I value social skills being taught in our schools.

What I don’t value is the surveys being used to seek our students’ social and emotional status. I don’t value the change in focus on social skills instead of academics.

I value our teachers who have been educated and are the professionals in the classrooms for academics.

We need to support our teachers during this time of need. Listen to them and their concerns. Teachers are leaving at an astounding rate because of political agendas are being brought into the schools, and they feel they must follow along with the agenda of the administration or risk their jobs.

As a taxpayer and a parent, I believe we need a School Board that will listen to parental concerns, allow teachers to voice their concerns freely without retribution, look at the student first for education, and not bewilder a parent for speaking up at a meeting.

Since Joe Forgey has been on our School Board, I have watched as he has bewildered parents who have spoken up. He does not respond to emails that have been sent to him and he has talked negatively about other members of the board at meetings. He has placed his needs first and not the students when it comes to school board meetings. He has stated at many meetings he has a Butler game to get to.

I support Misty Ray and Melba Keiser for School Board. Both are willing to listen to all sides, take out politics and go back to academics being a stronghold for our schools. They support funding our teachers’ needs and the students’ needs – as well as listening to parents’ concerns.

We need change to get Noblesville Schools moving in a better direction … away from political agendas and back toward academic excellence. Vote Misti Ray and Melba Kiser for School Board this November.

Kim Irvin

1 Comment on "Former Noblesville teacher says time to get back to academics, supports Misti Ray & Melba Kiser for school board"

  1. Former teacher now a social worker? You left your Noblesville teaching value and experience. I would not follow your advice. Sorry. Thank you for your input though.

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