Former Carmel Mayor Jane Reiman endorses Kevin “Woody” Rider to be next mayor


Jane Reiman, former mayor of Carmel, has endorsed Kevin “Woody” Rider’s mayoral campaign.

Reiman said the minute she found out that Rider was running to be Carmel’s next mayor, she was all in, and states that there has never been anyone running that is as prepared as Rider.


“Carmel is a beautiful but complicated city,” Reiman said. “The next mayor must have years of experience and a deep, well-rounded understanding of the city. Kevin ‘Woody’ Rider has that and so much more. He’s a business owner, a 16-year Carmel City Councilor, and a 12-year Plan Commission member. He has consistently spent time over the years getting to know the residents and city employees.”

Looking back at Carmel’s previous mayors, Reiman mentions she has spent time helping several of the mayors getting acclimated in their new role, “because there is no book on how to be Mayor,” she said.

Reiman served as Carmel’s mayor from 1980 to 1987 and was responsible for much of Carmel’s improved infrastructure and initiating the planning of Civic Square. In addition, Reiman is known for truly loving the city and the people, and it was under her tenure that Carmel really began to experience a transformation.

“Carmel can’t sacrifice having someone who isn’t up to speed or not having someone that cares about Carmel as much as Kevin does,” Reiman said. “He’s a problem solver and a great listener, and he’s going to take care of our city. There is no doubt about that.”

Reiman urges everyone to get out and vote on May 2 in the primary election.

Learn more about the candidate at