Former candidate’s view on our GOP U.S. Senate Race

Dear Editor,

Last year, with the support of my family, numerous business leaders and volunteers, I entered the Indiana race for U.S. Senate. We traveled all over Indiana attending events and visiting with people. The response to my businessman candidacy was extremely humbling.

As a business owner for the past twenty years, I worked to listen carefully for what is working in our state and especially areas that still need attention. What I heard is: Indiana needs leaders with real-life, real-world business experience who know what it means to do real work.

Things changed when we got to know Mike and Maureen Braun. After learning about Mike’s successful business and his conservative values, we made a very tough decision, that the best way for me to be of service to Indiana, at this time, was to step out of the race and strongly support Mike.

As a successful businessman, not an attorney-turned career politician, Mike has spent his life creating real and measurable opportunities for Hoosiers. We need Mike Braun in the U.S. Senate.

Terry Henderson


Terry is president, CEO of Achieva, Inc. an international agriculture technology company. Terry was an active Republican candidate in the U.S. Senate race through August 2017.