Former Arcadia cop asks you to vote for Russell

Dear Editor:

I have been paying very close attention to the sheriff election in Hamilton County. I’ve worked beside all four candidates at one time or another during my time as a law enforcement officer in Hamilton County. I no longer live in Hamilton County, but as a former longtime resident I can tell you without a doubt that Mitch Russell is the only logical choice.

I’ve known Mitch for a long time. He was formally my Chief at the Arcadia Police Department and I’ve kept in contact with him ever since. In the law enforcement profession you learn many things from many different people. The things that this man has taught me over the years have stuck with me and have even kept me alive up till this point. He is one of a few people I call my mentor in this profession.

Mitch is a no-nonsense and what you see is what you get kind of guy. He is a man of his word. Anyone who knows the law enforcement profession knows that normally when you hear that this, that, or the other is going to happen, you usually take it with and grain of salt and believe it when you see it. Well, with Mitch it’s not that way. When he says something is going to happen, rest assured it will. He holds his people accountable for their actions and will not let the community of Hamilton County down. One of the first things he ever said to me when I first started with APD is, “If you mess something up or do something wrong, call me. Chances are I already know before you call.”

The following is a few things I’d like to list I know a leader to do:

Challenges the status quo, solves problems and produces results working alongside fellow officers, neighboring agencies and the community. I know Mitch to be the man that will do all the above.

Again, I no longer live in Hamilton County, but I have many family/friends on here that do. So I ask you please take the time and go out and vote Mitch Russell for Hamilton County Sheriff.

Wesley Garst


1 Comment on "Former Arcadia cop asks you to vote for Russell"

  1. Kathleen Brown | April 27, 2018 at 11:04 pm |

    If I were Mitch, I certainly wouldn’t want an endorsement from Garst. Trouble follows him where ever he goes. His reputation speaks for itself. However, Mitch is a great guy and I wish him luck in the upcoming election.

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