Dear Editor:
I would like to commend the City of Noblesville for their plan to send much needed relief items to Hurricane Michael victims in Chipley, Fla. In particular, I want to thank Noblesville Firefighter Lt. Eric Housman for spearheading this relief effort.
The article in the Hamilton County Reporter was accurate. This area has been devastated. Those of us in Tallahassee were spared the brunt of the storm with mere wind gusts of 50 or 60 miles per hour. Ninety-five percent of Tallahassee was without power after Michael went through. Luckily, we mainly had fallen trees and downed utility lines, roads were cleared within 48 hours, and 90 percent of power was restored by the fourth day.
This was not the case west of Tallahassee. Communities such as Bristol, Blountstown, Alpha, Sneads, Chattahoochee and Chipley were literally wiped off the map. Of course, the national attention was on coastal Mexico Beach, south of this area, and Panama City to the west. Both areas have been dramatically disrupted.
For many, it is not just an exercise in living without electricity. It is a matter of economic survival. Thousands have lost their homes, vehicles and sadly, their jobs. Since hundreds of small businesses have either been wiped out or severely damaged, there is little hope of an economic rebound for the afflicted any time soon. National support from government, charities and relief groups is reaching these areas, but there is not much one can do without a car, truck, home or a way to earn a wage. It is a very dire situation.
Again, it was very gratifying to read in the Reporter that my hometown is banding together to send much needed supplies to this region of North Florida.
Thanks to everyone involved!

John Kraft
Tallahassee, Fla.
Fifth generation Hamilton County Hoosier