Flashing speed limit signs coming to Fishers school zones


Motorists driving in school zones around Fishers will have flashing speed limit signs, but it won’t happen anytime soon. The Board of Public Works and Safety Monday approved a Local Public Agency contract with the Indiana Department of Transportation, with the state providing 90 percent of the funding for the signs, and Fishers picking up the remaining 10 percent.

City Director of Engineering Jeff Hill told board members he anticipates bids to be accepted in early 2018, with the signs installed in 2019 or 2020. The signs will be programmed to flash only when school speed limits are in place, generally while school is in session.

Hill said his department is looking at standardizing the school speed limits around the city.

During the Monday session, the board also approved “Plant a Tree” grant recipients, and passed a field use agreement between City of Fishers and Fishers Soccer Inc. (also known as Indy Premier Soccer Club).