Five local students awarded at Franklin College

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Franklin College honored its students for their exceptional scholarly efforts during the 2022-23 academic year with merit awards and scholarships at the annual Spring Honors Convocation, held on April 27 in the Napolitan Student Center.

The following students Hamilton County were honored:

Economics, Business & Accounting Award

Kaitlyn F. Hewitt of Westfield received the Edna Lacy Endowed Scholarship.

English & Creative Writing Awards

Colleen H. Kincaid of Fishers received the Tunison Award for Excellence in English.

Sociology Award

Makenna M. Mundy of Noblesville received the Outstanding Junior in Sociology Award.

College Awards

Owen D. Ogle of Carmel received The Richard A. Harrison 1953 Pledge Class Endowed Scholarship for Indiana Alpha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Colleen H. Kincaid of Fishers received the Student Leadership Endorsement Award.