Fishers voter supporting Kehl

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Dear Editor:

I would like to take a moment to convey to your readers why I believe Jennifer Kehl should be re-elected to the position of Fishers City Clerk.

I’ll start with experience. She has held the position for two consecutive terms and is the incumbent. She knows the inner workings of our Fishers city government. But her qualifications go much deeper than that. She has been a resident of this fair city since it was a small town of approximately 6,000 population. Being married to George Kehl, the Fishers long-time police chief now retired, she was able to watch up close the evolution of our city from its infancy to present day.

I can tell you about the character of Jennifer Kehl. Jennifer believes in the community. She has been involved over the years aiding many causes and organizations to make the county and our city a better place for all its residents.

Jennifer has incredible organizational skills which I have been able to observe firsthand through our nearly 30 years of association of planning and putting on the Fishers Freedom Festival along with a few hundred volunteers. Jennifer was the executive director of the festival while I held the position of president of the board of directors. It was this association that allowed me to see how she ran a non-profit organization from organizing people to get tasks performed, to contacting businesses to invest in the event to enrich the community.

Even when she was working a daytime job, she would be working late into the night to be sure she was keeping up with what needed to get done for the festival. For you older residents, remember the television personalities we had at the festival and the amount of news coverage it received? That was due to Jennifer’s diligence in providing a quality event for the community where we raised our families.

To aid in fundraising for the festival she took on organizing and running the Christmas in October Craft Fair when this was offered to Fishers Freedom Festival. Then came Oktoberfest as an additional fundraising venture for the festival. Both of these additional events were widely popular.

I guess what I’m trying to pass along to those of you that may not know her is that Jennifer Kehl has a great work ethic, a drive to do the right thing, the experience to fulfill her job as city clerk and a love for the community she’s watched grow. I know who I feel comfortable voting for, Jennifer Kehl.

Donnis Dragoo