Fishers unveils community plan addressing COVID-19

Hotline established for at-risk population

While there are no currently confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Fishers, the City’s stated goal is to manage precautions ahead of any confirmed cases and encourage the community to take personal responsibility and reduce the impact on high-risk populations.

The CDC has identified older populations are at a higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness. Part of the civic duty of community members is to work together and protect those most at high risk by staying at home.

Schools & Childcare

  • Implement e-Learning policy (HSE Schools)
  • Stay at home if you are sick
  • Implement sick cleaning protocols
  • Limit sports gatherings, convocations, meetings and extracurricular activities
  • Cancel all field trips until further notice
  • Eliminate unnecessary gatherings (PNO, celebrations, etc.)
  • Fishers Fire Department can be used as a resource for cleaning procedures and protocol related to the illness


  • Stay at home and limit contact with groups of people
  • Practice social distancing to reduce exposure in large groups
  • Offer help to the elderly and those with weakened immune systems
  • Practice good hygiene and hand washing
  • Stay at home if you are sick
  • Develop a plan for e-Learning, working from home, and child care
  • Reduce your exposure to others in your household
  • First responders are prepared to handle these cases
  • If you have symptoms, call your physician’s office before you visit their office or emergency room


  • Identify staff that are essential to the daily operations of your business
  • Identify alternative work locations and operational procedures
  • Review current sick policies to mitigate implicates of sick leave (i.e. paid sick time, unlimited sick time, etc.)
  • If schools close, determine childcare options for working parents
  • Change large meetings to conference calls
  • Cancel non-essential travel for your staff
  • Practice social distancing to reduce exposure in large groups (no shaking hands, etc.)

Assisted Living Facilities

  • Implement a “no visitors” policy
  • Fishers Fire Department will continue visiting and consulting with facilities to provide support
  • Screening all staff/visitors upon arrival to facility
  • Create a single point of entry for visitors
  • Implement temperature/respiratory screenings for visitors
  • Limit internal programming and gatherings within the facility

Community & Faith-Based Organizations

  • Reduce community gatherings and events
  • Hold online-only church services
  • Continue to support at-risk populations

City Policies

The City of Fishers has implemented the following guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Canceled all upcoming tours and field trips until further notice
  • Canceled work travel for City staff through April 2020
  • Work travel is canceled through June 2020 for Fishers Police Department (FPD)
  • Canceled fingerprinting procedures with FPD
  • Identified staff that are essential to city operations
  • Identified alternative work locations and operational procedures for at-risk city employees
  • Canceled City and Parks & Recreation events through March 2020

First responders will:

  • Practice home precautions at firehouses
  • Continue to follow health guidelines put in place by the CDC
  • Implement a policy to not wear uniforms and shoes and practice hygiene at the firehouse.

The City of Fishers has created a community hotline for at-risk populations. Please call (317) 595-3211 if you are at-risk and in need of assistance.