Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness announced Friday the launch of a task force to investigate and determine the needs for a community and recreational facility. Fadness has appointed Fishers City Councilor Todd Zimmerman as chair of the task force. The final report is expected to be complete in the next 120 days.
“For years, the private sector has attempted to bring a facility to our community without success,” Fadness said. “I know this is an amenity our residents desire, and our hope through the work of this task force is that we can identify a successful path forward.”
Residents who completed the 2020 Fishers Wellbeing Survey selected a Health and Wellness Center, an Aquatic Center, and a Community Center as their top three desired amenities for Fishers.

“Athletics and recreation are a critical part of the fabric of our community,” Zimmerman said. “There continues to be a demand for more space to host recreational events and I hope to lead this task force to help us answer the question of, ‘what does the community want?’ More so, we have an opportunity to proactively identify an operational and financial plan for a facility that can bring so many community interests together under one roof.”
Community stakeholders representing youth sports, arts and culture, and community groups will be appointed by Zimmerman as part of the task force. The task force will work to answer the following:
- What is the current demand for athletic facilities not currently being met by existing supply?
- What is the current demand for art and cultural needs not currently being met by existing supply?
- What are current community needs not being met by existing facilities?
- If such a community facility existed, what specifications and operational and financial support would be required to meet the necessary needs?
- What level of priority should a community facility be given in relation to existing projects and priorities?
Fadness has committed to providing the task force with staff and consulting support to complete this needs assessment.