Franklin College’s Immersive Term allows students to pursue internships, nontraditional classes, and study-abroad opportunities throughout the month of January. The Global Education Department offers students the opportunity to enroll in faculty-led study-abroad courses focusing on a variety of subjects.
Among the students who traveled to Costa Rica was Elizabeth Hibbert of Fishers.
The college presented students the opportunity to study abroad in Costa Rica to examine the impacts of art on community engagement and in art therapy. Students led and coordinated after-school sessions, which allowed local children to express themselves through art. Additionally, students were offered opportunities to learn Spanish and explore Costa Rica’s rich biodiverse environment.
Associate Professor of Art Randi Frye, M.F.A., served as the course instructor, and assistant professor of art Barry Barnes assisted as a course coordinator.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better group of students to travel with,” Frye said. “It was amazing to watch them take in everything with wonder and gratitude … their openness and enthusiasm truly made the trip special.”
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