Brooks School Road
Brooks School Road has reopened south of 116th Street between Desert Glen Drive and Club Point Drive.
Hoosier Road
There are periodic lane restrictions on Hoosier Road south of 116th Street while the Hamilton County Highway Department completes the resurfacing and striping of Hoosier Road and 111th Street.
Fall Creek Road
There will be temporary lane restrictions on Fall Creek Road on Tuesday, Aug. 14 and Wednesday, Aug. 15, just west of Windjammer North, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for utility work. Flaggers will be in the area to help direct traffic.
126th Street
The eastbound lanes of 126th Street between Hoosier Road and Brooks School Road will be closed nightly from Sunday, Aug. 12 through Thursday, Aug. 16 for concrete joint repairs. The closures will be in place overnight from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Traffic should detour south on Hoosier Road to 116th Street and back up to Brooks School Road.
North Street
The westbound lane of North Street between Lantern Road and Maple Street will be closed from Friday, Aug. 17 through Monday, Aug. 20 for concrete replacement.
113th Street & Florida Road
The intersection of 113th Street and Florida Road is closed for the realignment and construction of a new roundabout at the intersection. The closure is expected to last appropriately 90 days. See the Detour Map.
Southeastern Parkway
Southeastern Parkway is closed from 136th Street to Isle of Man Way (Avalon subdivision) for approximately 30 days to complete a roundabout. Traffic should detour up Prairie Baptist Road to 136th Street. See the Detour Map.
Allisonville Road
Allisonville Road construction is in full swing. Traffic has been shifted to the east to allow for widening on the west side. Restrictions may be in place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and flaggers will be on site directing traffic, as necessary. Through September, all southbound left turns from Allisonville Road onto 126th Street will be prohibited. This is an active construction site with reduced speed limits. For more info on this project, view the Fact Sheet.
106th Street
106th Street is closed to thru traffic from Eller Road to Allisonville Road and from Allisonville Road to Hague Road for the 106th Street Infrastructure Project. Closures for through traffic will also take place from Hague Road to the Crosspoint Boulevard/Lantern Road roundabout. For more info on this project, view the Fact Sheet.
State Road 37
A public meeting was held in May at the Delaware Township Trustee Office. The meeting presentation and updated information is available on the project’s new website. The State Road 37 improvement project is a $124 million joint project between Fishers, Hamilton County, Noblesville and INDOT. Questions or concerns may be directed to