Fishers reader grateful for Commissioners’ caution, skilled decision-making

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Dear Editor:

I wanted to express my sincere thanks to Commissioners Dillinger, Heirbrandt and Altman for protecting the employees as well as the citizens of Hamilton County. I am sure your decisions these past few weeks have been very trying and continue to shift in the face of COVID-19. Your choice to proceed with caution, a logical but sometimes difficult decision, alleviated the fear of many.

I am – we are – grieving for all that has been lost and all that is unknown. Times of intense fear and suffering can be wake-up calls to what matters most in life. I know I have learned a lot from this experience, but mostly not to take any part of my life or the ones around me for granted. And I will be beholden we all got through this together, with dignity and kindness.

Although I rarely have a chance to thank you personally for the work you do, please understand I am truly grateful. May God bless you and your families.

Laura Wozniak
