When finishing up a podcast recording session with Fishers Police Chief Ed Gebhart on Aug. 7, I asked the Chief if there was anything he wanted to add before wrapping up. He immediately went to gun safety.
Chief Gebhart comes from a family with guns, but says his father taught him strict lessons growing up on the importance of gun safety and security.
“I would just ask my community to please keep their weapons out of their vehicles and lock them up,” Gebhart said. “Let’s keep our community safe.”
A recent Facebook page post by Fishers Police says seven guns have been stolen from vehicles in the city during a one month.

“If you own a gun, please be a responsible gun owner and secure it in your residence in a proper gun safe,” the Facebook posting says. “Your firearm could end up in the hands of criminals, which is extremely dangerous to our city, our children, and our police officers. If you have any information regarding these thefts, please call (317) 595-3300.”
During the podcast, the Chief also talked about how Fishers Police are now working with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department in running down guns suspected of being used in criminal activity. Gebhart says both Fishers and Indianapolis have seen success in that program.
Click here to listen to my entire podcast interview with Chief Gebhart.