Fishers One group calls on HSE to adhere to parental access, transparency


Editor’s note: The following is a statement received by The Reporter from Fishers One on Thursday. Statements from independent groups and individuals do not reflect the opinions of The Reporter, its publisher or its staff. If you’d like to see your own opinion printed in the pages of the Reporter, send your Letter to the Editor by email to

Fishers One believes HSES [Hamilton Southeastern Schools] is not currently following their own stated policy related to parental access, notification and consent.

HSES Board of Trustees has adopted Indiana Code 20-10.1-4-15 as its policy (according to HSE Policy, Section I, Code I05.02) which “in part requires the school corporation to make available for inspection by parents the following instructional materials: Teachers’ Manuals, Student Texts, Films or other video materials Tapes and Other Materials.”

“In addition, a student shall not be required to participate in a personal analysis, an evaluation, or a survey not directly related to academic instruction…without the prior written consent of the student’s parent or guardian.” This also includes giving parents and students notice of their rights under this policy.

Fishers One has received reports from parents that HSES has not requested parental consent for to have their children participate in the recent Panorama Surveys for quite some time.

As a result, Fishers One is calling on the HSES Administration to immediately adhere to their stated policy and ensure prior notice and written parental consent for any personal analysis, evaluation, or survey given to students not directly related to academic instruction both now and in the future.

If any parents have evidence of not being provided notice before a non-academic instruction survey was given to their child you can report your experience anonymously to

About Fishers One

Fishers One is a grassroots, community-based organization dedicated to restoring academic excellence in HSE Schools, maintaining Fishers as a great place to live, and cultivating the next generations of community leaders. You can learn more about Fishers One and how to get involved at and on Facebook at