In partnership with Fishers High School, Hamilton Southeastern High School and Hamilton Southeastern Schools, the Mayor’s Youth Council offers the opportunity to build community awareness, provide hands-on learning opportunities that enhance curriculum, and inspire future careers in the public sector.

The program includes:
- Opportunities to participate in simulated search and rescue training;
- Exploration of the criminal justice system, including a tour of the Hamilton County Jail;
- Investigation into water quality and the science it takes to ensure clean water is available community-wide;
- Experience working alongside a local non-profit; and
- A chance to work with Mayor Scott Fadness to develop a new policy that will impact City agencies.
Mayor Fadness will also challenge the group to make recommendations on various policy areas as capstone projects.
As a member of the Mayor’s Youth Council, students will utilize public speaking, critical thinking, STEM, budgeting, creativity, athleticism, leadership and many social studies and civic skills. Students will learn from community leaders and professionals in city government, as well as in the not-for-profit and social services sector that exist beyond the walls of City Hall.
Click here to view the 2018 schedule.
Applications are now being accepted for Mayor’s Youth Council and are due by Sunday, Sept. 9.
If you have questions, please email Dan Domsic at or call (317) 595-3151.