Upgrades to the audio, video and lighting systems in the auditoriums of both Fishers and Hamilton Southeastern high schools have been in the works for some time. The project has hit another snag, but school staff found ways to work around the issues.
Facilities Director Harry Delks described this project as “challenging.” Only one bid was submitted for the two plans, totaling $2.7 million, significantly over the proposed budget. Delks said many school districts around the state are seeing either one bid or no bids on proposals such as this one.
Once it became obvious the only bid was over the budget, staffs from both high schools started working on ideas to reduce the project’s budget by $409,000.
Built in 1999, Hamilton Southeastern High School’s Leonard Auditorium was named in honor former HSE Superintendent Dr. Charles Leonard. (Photo provided)
The school board voted Wednesday night to approve the only bid, then add a change order for just over $409,000 to bring the work within the budget. High school officials told the board the items cut from this budget could be added back over time in the future without a big budget hit in one year. The plan, with reductions, will still bring needed upgrades to both auditoriums.
One example mentioned of paring-down the budget was an intercom used within the staging system which will still be upgraded, but will be wired and not be wireless, saving $30,000.
With unanimous board approval Wednesday, Delks said this work will be completed in the fall. Both schools will be working around this construction with various productions until all is completed.