Fishers celebrated our veterans Friday

Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness speaks to the crowd assembled for the Veterans Day celebration at City Hall. The Fishers Junior High School Choir is seated behind him. (Photo provided)

There were only a few empty seats for the Friday Veterans Day ceremony at Fishers City Hall. The Fishers Junior High School Choirs performed. Those assembled were military veterans, as well as others in attendance to honor veterans of America’s Armed Forces.

Mayor Scott Fadness expressed his gratitude to all that have served. He said that the Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day city observances are a way of showing the city’s “unwavering appreciation for all that they have done.”

El Ahlwardt was the Master of Ceremonies for the Veterans Day event. Also in attendance were members of the Fishers City Council, State Senator Victoria Spartz, State Representative Todd Huston and Jordan Isaacs, representing Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly.