Fishers Arts Council presents photography, latex dribbles in May

Art provided

The Fishers Arts Council offers three unique exhibits in its two galleries at Fishers City Hall this month. The main exhibit hall features the work of photographers Freddie Kelvin and Tom Mueller.

In the Alcove for the second month of a three-month exhibit is Brinton Farrand. There will be a free public reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 14 at the art gallery to view the art, meet the artists, and enjoy live music.

The Kelvin and Mueller exhibit, titled “Our Reality, Our Dreams,” will be on display through May while Farrand will continue for another month through June.

Kelvin’s photography “has always been based on instinct.” While he is fascinated with nature photography, he says, “I have become increasingly fascinated by water and reflections, where the worlds of reality and dreams collide.”

Mueller brings a photographic project documenting all facets of the Conner Prairie living history museum, about which he wrote a book. The majority of his prints in this exhibit come from the portions relating to farm animals, especially the rare breed animals and the natural environment on the museum’s extensive grounds.

Farrand’s exhibit is of latex paint in dribbles is titled, “Embrace the Chaos, Out of Chaos Comes Order.”  He says, “I am now following my passion of creating artwork that expresses my observations of the world around us. I enjoy watching people in everyday life, inventing art that reflects our society. I want to explore people’s emotions, their joys, sorrows and toils. I paint to express my opinion of what our society does to influence us. I believe the glitz and glamour of the political arena does not reflect the person in the streets just trying to get by.”

As always, the art is available for purchase and can be viewed from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, excluding holidays.