On Tuesday, registered voters in Hamilton County began voting in advance of the Nov. 3 general election.
Early voting locations at the county Government and Judicial Center and the county 4-H Fairgrounds will open at 8 a.m. in the Judicial Center and 9 a.m. at the fairgrounds.
Voters will be asked to show a driver’s license or other legal identification that includes a photo of the voter.
The Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds saw long lines of early voters Tuesday during the first day of early voting. (Reporter photo by Kirk Green)
On Tuesday, lines at the Hamilton County Judicial Center and the Hamilton County Fairgrounds were reported to be long. At one point, the line of people waiting to vote at the Judicial Center wrapped more than half of a block.
Early voting will open at six other locations around the county on Wednesday, Oct. 21 with hours of 2 to 7 p.m.
Locations in Westfield are at the Town Hall and the Cool Creek Nature Center.
The sites in Carmel are the Mercy Road Church and the Jill Perelman Pavilion at West Park.
Early voting in Fishers will be offered at Roy Holland Memorial Park and at Billericay Park.
Click here to see a full list of early voting times and locations around the county.