Submitted by City of Carmel
Highlighting successes from her early months in office at last night’s State of the City address, Carmel Mayor Sue Finkam detailed future efforts toward sustaining and improving what she described as a world-class community with a strong legacy.
Hosted by OneZone Chamber of Commerce, the event held at The Palladium attracted more than 550 residents, business leaders and city team members. You can view a recording of the session at this link.
Mayor Finkam fielded questions from OneZone President and CEO Jack Russell, sharing progress by new task forces that she formed earlier this year, which focus on housing, the needs of senior citizens, as well as veterans and young professionals.
Public safety was emphasized as part of the mayor’s remarks, with the Carmel Police Department debuting the drone as first-responder program. The technology is being used for emergencies, providing crucial information to first responders.
“I hope you’re proud of your public safety,” Finkam said, speaking to the facilities, training and other resources supporting the police and fire departments. “The city council and I have done all we can to invest in our public safety … we recruit and retain the best.”
In support of her commitment to open government, the mayor unveiled Carmel’s new transparency portal, making it easier to track how public funds are being spent as part of a user-friendly platform.
“The portal allows us to have a clear, detailed look at our city finances,” Finkam said. “This is your way to evaluate how we’re doing as a team.”
In addition to praising the City of Carmel team and asking them to stand, several Carmel residents – from Olympic team members to a centenarian – received special recognition at the event for their respective achievements, with the mayor noting, “We already have world-class talent in our community, and we look forward to attracting more.”

Mayor Finkam with this year’s “Deputy Mayors” who attended city council meetings. (Photo provided by City of Carmel)
Youth took center stage at the address, with both students from the City of Carmel Deputy Mayor program and Carmel Mayor’s Youth Council featured, and the mayor’s introduction led by Lily Hill, a sophomore at Heritage Christian School and daughter of Carmel Police Officer Nate Hill.
Upcoming efforts from the mayor’s Elevate Carmel plan noted in the address include a fiscal plan to improve Carmel’s financial position, a 311 non-emergency system for helping residents secure city services, pursuit of funding and development of an international district and continued focus on business recruitment and retention to attract high-quality jobs and keep property taxes low.
“People love to live here,” the mayor said as part of her closing remarks. “It’s a mecca for families and people who visit can’t wait to come back.”
Special thanks to OneZone Chamber of Commerce, The Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts, and Ascension St. Vincent for their contributions to this event.