Finkam appointed to steering committee of national community leaders group

Mayor Sue Finkam will work with fellow leaders to advocate for the interests of municipalities. (Photo provided by City of Carmel)

Submitted by City of Carmel

Carmel Mayor Sue Finkam has been appointed to the Community Leaders of America (CLA) Steering Committee for the Midwest region.

The appointment by CLA leadership earlier this month recognizes Mayor Finkam’s dedication to effective governance, economic development, and community engagement and her position as a respected leader by mayors across the United States.

CLA is a national organization that brings together Republican mayors, city council members, and county leaders from across the country to promote innovative policies, share best practices and advocate for pro-growth, fiscally responsible governance.

CLA’s core principles include:

  1. Stimulating job growthby establishing a sustainable business environment that promotes opportunity and prosperity for everyone
  2. Ensuring public safetyand protecting civil liberties
  3. Enhancing quality of lifeby promoting infrastructure improvements and providing necessary services in the most effective and efficient manner possible
  4. Protecting taxpayer resourcesthrough implementation of common-sense fiscal management

As a member of the steering committee, Mayor Finkam will collaborate with fellow municipal leaders to shape policy discussions, advocate for local priorities, and support initiatives that drive sustainable growth and innovation in cities and towns across the region.

“It’s a privilege to be part of this group, contributing to meaningful policy discussions that will benefit Carmel and other communities, as well,” Mayor Finkam said.

Learn more about the organization at

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