Finding peace

When the Advent candle of Peace was lit this week, I prayed, Oh, Lord, let it be so.

Peace: A state of tranquility or quiet. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.

I pondered how long that “state” lasts and how do I quiet my thoughts and emotions.

Our discontent with not having things the way we want them to be causes us to lose our peace.

Where in the world did I come up with that thought? It was on a snowy December morning while drinking my Highlander Grogg coffee, journaling, and watching the flame of my taper candle that I discovered the power of a moment of peace. It was a spiritual “aha” moment. Peace is found in the moments when we are taken away from our worries. It is not a given but it is to be sought after.

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard

Peace looks different than I planned. I want peace to be a constant in my life. While my faith holds me fast in knowing that God holds my future, life still brings its sucker punches straight to my heart.

Scripture tells us that in this world, we will have troubles. (John 16:33) Scripture also tells us Christ was born to bring us peace. He is the Prince of Peace.

It has been a season of questions without answers, and when given answers, they were not what I expected or wanted. Life has held moments of such discomfort that I wondered if peace was even an option. It wasn’t about not having enough Faith but simply needing a break from wrestling with worries over people I hold dear.

I woke up Monday morning, and just a short time into my day, I got some news that shook me to my core. It wasn’t what I had expected to hear after praying for peace. My mother always said, “Be careful what you pray for.”

The next day, better news came, but my heart was still worried. My heart was on a journey to find peace. A walk with my best friend, Patrice, took me away from the constant wrestling in my brain. Peace was found in the moments during that walk.

A few writer friends were coming for lunch on Thursday, so as I spent time in my kitchen, listening to Christmas piano music while baking a Paula Deen Fresh Apple Cake, my mind was distracted. Peace wasn’t part of the recipe, but I discovered it as I peeled the apples. My kitchen has always been a place where I could find peace.

As three columnists for the Hamilton County Reporter writer friends gathered at my table, their words calmed my heart. The laughter of the Word Warriors, as they are called, was a wonderful message to my weary soul. I only wish the readers could know the hearts of these writers. They have beautiful hearts. Their words make a difference in our community.

Next on my calendar was the Christmas Gathering with the Golden Girls: Patrice, Linda, and Joan. As I sat there, I caught glimpses of peace. Friends who show up. Friends who lean their hearts into the conversation, cheer for each other, and even wipe tears together. We’ve seen each other at our worst. I’m not just talking about no makeup and messy hair. We all know how messy a life can be. My heart feels at peace when I am with them.

Music, during the Christmas season, has a soothing effect on my soul. So, on Friday night, Chuck and I found ourselves sitting on an old-fashioned pew inside the Roberts Park Methodist Church in the heart of Indianapolis. We experienced an evening where Penny Porch Rodriguez’s music sang not only to the ears of those listening but to their souls. What she composes is genuinely in the definition of what Heavenly Peace must sound like. You can listen to it on her Facebook page … and you will thank me.

Your Christmas may not be the season to be jolly. You may have been hit with an emotional earthquake. Your questions may not get the answers you want. Your soul may be so weary you struggle to rejoice. As a fixer, I wish I could fix all the hurts, calm those struggling with worries, and find the cure for all that ails.

I can assure you that there is peace to be found. It may not be constant, but those moments of peace will get you through the hard days. If we seek peace … it will be found. It may look different than we expected.

This week, I realized this: peace will be found in a tapestry of moments … moments, when woven together, give peace and weave a beautiful story to tell.

Oh, Lord, let it be so.

Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit

1 Comment on "Finding peace"

  1. Yes, let it be so.

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