Finding grit & grace

Grit: The firmness of mind and unyielding courage in the face of hardship.

This week, as I sat in the cozy corner of my living room, I did a bit of reflecting on what I learned in 2024. I began to write …

The best lessons are learned the hard way. Ugh.

There’s nothing like tripping over regrets for caring so much about what people think of me. As my husband has told me a time or twenty, “Honey, you wouldn’t worry nearly as much about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they do.” As usual, he’s clever and he’s right.

There were lightbulb moments when I said, “Janet, you need to realize you cannot control people or situations.” Again, Chuck Leonard’s wise words remind me, “Let it go!” I have a “fixer” heart that struggles to let it go.

After writing the column about burning my taper candles to make even the small moments special, I’ve been burning my tapers and embracing the moment more often. I gave lots of tapers and candlesticks as gifts for Christmas. Thrift stores and clearance shelves have some of the best ones. It’s okay to be a thrifter and a gifter.

I found myself getting up at all hours to quiet the loud nocturnal voices that beckon me, “Get up and write, Janet.” Tossing and turning does not quiet them. “Give up and get up” was a lesson learned. Writers do not keep business hours. Ask any of my writer friends. Many a day, I gave myself the grace to take a nap or two.

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I welcomed more peace into my life. I would tell Alexa to play soft piano music while I was writing. Thank you, Penny Rodriguez, for your Winter Solstice music. It quiets my thoughts and bids my soul to rest. Emily P. Freeman and her Quiet Collections AP put me to sleep many a night as she read the Psalms. With her soft voice, my mind was tucked into a heavenly peace.

I took many walks where I paid more attention to my surroundings. I recognized the vividness of the colors. Thank you, cataract surgery! Just a quick walk around the block clears my mind and energizes me to write another chapter in book No. 2. I’ve still got a ways to go but I’m getting there. Never underestimate the power of a walk.

In 2024, I learned to give myself more Grace – grace to be kind to myself, grace to say no, grace not to have to check everything off my to-do list, and the saving grace of humor. Have I mentioned I even became less of a people-pleaser? I confess that I’m still working on that one.

Sitting in the corner of my living room, in my comfy chair that rocks, swivels, and power reclines, I count my blessings on the hard lessons I have learned. These lessons have softened me, made me more empathetic, and made me more aware of God’s goodness even in difficult times. Scripture has become even more a part of my everyday life. One of these days, I might let you in on a little secret about one of those scriptures.

Taking the time to reflect on last year is so valuable. I made a list of what worked and what didn’t work for me. Last year, while ever-so-difficult, changed me for the better.

So now it’s on to 2025. I have chosen my WOTY (Word of the Year). It’s PAUSE. I’ll tell you more about that soon. My POTY (Phrase of the Year) is “Let them.” My keyboard-tapping fingers are itching to tell you all about that phrase.

I can’t change anything about 2024. It was a hard year, but the lessons I learned taught me the value of grit and grace. Grit, mixed with a huge helping of Grace (kindness to myself), has given me new insight as I look ahead to 2025.

I have grit. I slather the grace on myself. I am braver. I am wiser. I am calmer. So, 2025, could you be just a bit nicer?

Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit

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