Awe … an emotion inspired by the sacred.
April 8, 2024, at 3:06 p.m., I feel that emotion as the solar eclipse reaches totality.
Chuck and I nestle our lawn chairs in the front yard of the Little House on the Alley. Oh, the anticipation. We are like two little kids, giddy with excitement. Unless we travel to see another one, this will be our once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience such an event.
Suddenly, the temperature drops. Traffic in our neighborhood ceases. The birds quiet their singing. Our dusk-to-dawn lights come on. The silence is eerie.
As the moon covers the sun, Chuck and I hear the cheers from those gathered in downtown Noblesville. They are cheers of utter joy, in awe of the work of God’s hands.
We had no idea the emotional effect it would have on both of us. For a time, we are speechless. I remember the scripture verse …
The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made. Psalms 19:1 ERV
I say out loud in the NIV translation … “The heavens declare the glory of God. “
Oh, my goodness, do the heavens have a story to tell!
For almost four minutes, we sit in the darkness. There is so much awe in those four minutes.

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard
As the moon begins to make its way over the sun, I wonder what the agnostics and atheists are thinking. How can they explain what is occurring? How can they deny who God is and that He hung the moon and the stars and caused the sun to shine and the moon to hide it? God set these occurrences in order.
I’m no scientist. I don’t understand how they know when eclipses will occur. It’s beyond my ability to figure it all out. I find it all fascinating. I allow my faith to answer my questions.
My faith grows more profound as the moon hides the sun – four sacred minutes. God is showing up and declaring who he is, and I get to witness it. Those four minutes of awe are sacred.
I will never feel that awe in this way again. I don’t need to. Those four minutes give me enough awe for a lifetime.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit