Find out what Anthem has done to lower health insurance costs in virtual seminar

Submitted by Hoosiers for Affordable Healthcare

Senate Enrolled Act 325 allows all Hoosiers to ask their insurance provider what it is doing to lower the 7th highest hospital prices in the country. Now, you can ask Anthem Insurance what it has done on behalf of its policyholders to lower the price of hospital care.

The webinar will take place at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Click here for more information, including the link to register.

High hospital prices take money out of the pocket of every Hoosier by depressing wages. On average, hospital prices in Indiana are 17 percent higher than the national median, even though Indiana’s cost of living is 9 percent below the national average. This is unconscionable.

Health insurance companies, or third-party payers, should be working on behalf of Hoosiers and Hoosier businesses to negotiate the highest quality of care at the lowest possible price. Over the last 20 years, the price of hospital care has grown faster than even college tuition. Meanwhile, health insurance deductible grew by 111 percent and family premiums grew by 55 percent between 2010 and 2020.

In 2021, Anthem Insurance had more than $6 billion in net operating income.

Anthem Insurance is the largest provider of health insurance in Indiana. Anthem MUST take advantage of its market dominance to lower the cost of hospital care for Hoosiers and aggressively negotiate lower prices with Indiana hospitals.