Feeling down? Go help others


I’ve always believed that helping others is the best way to help yourself. Now, more than ever, we need to be reaching out – virtually or at a safe distance – to others.

If you need some inspiration, just hop on social media – carefully. I say that because the uplifting stories can sometimes get lost among the sad ones. Yes, we need to be informed to protect everyone and our families. But don’t overload yourself with the bad news as I’ve accidentally done a time or two in this crisis (then fell into a sobbing mess).

Donate to a non-profit if you can. This doesn’t even have to be monetary. A couple of weeks ago I donated (gasp!) toilet paper to Shepherd’s Center. I almost felt like I needed to do this in secret with armed guards surrounding me at midnight.

Check in on your neighbors who may have lost part – or all – or their income. Wave at them from a distance as you go on a walk.

I love seeing the creative ways people are staying in touch with one another. I asked relatives and friends to send me messages this week that I could write on signs to show my mother. She is on “lockdown” like so many others around the country in assisted living facilities. A fellow Reporter columnist inspired me with that idea weeks ago.

By the way, the elderly need you now more than ever. It’s not good for anyone to be isolated from others. But it’s especially dire for them. Some call it a serious public health concern in even ordinary circumstances.

My mother is lucky. Yes, she has to stay in her room most of the time, but staff members check in on her and attend to her needs. She can at least go on walks in the hallway, which is how I was able to see her through a door with a window.

But other older folks in their homes aren’t surrounded by a caring staff. And many aren’t able to use technology to stay in touch, with the exception of a phone.

Now’s the time to get “old fashioned” and reach out to elderly family and friends with a letter, a card, or a gift. One way I do this is through Send Out Cards (sendoutcards.com). I’ve used this service for almost a year now for my business, but occasionally I’ll use it personally as well. It’s a fun, safe way to spread joy to others!

I’ve seen other wonderful ways to lift people’s spirits such as “drive by” parades and sing along phone calls. Finally, if you truly can’t leave the house or are short on funds, prayer is absolutely free and incredibly effective!

Yes, this is a challenging time. But it’s also a time to dig in, get creative, and show your love! You’ll improve the health of others, lift them up, and raise your own spirits.