Feeding Team’s Lisa Hall addresses reader’s concerns

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Dear Editor:

In response to Mari Briggs … Thank you for your inquiry and support of FeedingTeam.org.

Our pantries are equipped with the plexiglass window to help the pantry users to have an idea of what is in the pantry. This enables someone passing by to verify there is food available to avoid possible embarrassment. Sometimes a person is embarrassed they have to use a pantry and the last thing we want to do is have them open the door to a pantry that at that moment my be low on food. Usage is very high right now and we do our best to keep them stocked, however on occasion they might be low.

As stated from an earlier question Mark answered, all the pantries are ventilated, sides and back of pantry. The products in the pantry are monitored by our volunteers at least one time per week. The items move so fast through the pantries, and the heat and the cold have not been an issue. I hope this clears up this often-asked question.

In reference to the positioning of the pantries, the locations for the pantries for the most part are determined by the pantry hosts. In reviewing all our locations there are very few actually facing the west.

Mari, I hope this helps answer your questions.

We are very appreciative of our pantry hosts and volunteers that help us maintain the safety of every pantry.

Once again, thank you Mari for your continued support of FeedingTeam.org.

Lisa Hall
CoFounder, FeedingTeam.org