Federal board paves the way for Nickel Plate Trail


The Federal Surface Transportation Board has given final approval to transform the Nickel Plate Rail Line to a trail. The cities included are Fishers, Noblesville and Indianapolis.

According to Fishers city officials, the decision issued three notices of interim trail use, one for each segment of the track in all three municipalities. This decision denies U.S. Rail’s motion for a preliminary injunction to use the rails.


“Today is a definitive step forward in the City’s ability to execute to a vision of creating a transformative trail for our community,” said Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness in a city news release. “This decision reaffirms the City’s right by law to move forward with the trail and we plan to do so imminently. This guarantees that the countless volunteer hours by our residents in developing a vision for our trail will not be wasted while closing a chapter on the countless frivolous actions taken by Save the Nickel Plate and its representatives.”

In a Facebook post, the organization aimed at preserving rail use of the Nickel Plate, Save the Nickel Plate, says although the board did not grant many of the group’s motions, the organization claims the board “clearly spelled out how to return the rail to active service.”

2 Comments on "Federal board paves the way for Nickel Plate Trail"

  1. Scott Fadness should be discharged immediately. The man has gone against the wishes of his constituents and is a disgrace.

  2. Absolutely disgusted with our current”mayor” Scott Fadness. He is about to destroy a 180 year old irreplaceable piece of history for a glorified sidewalk. Will the signs they plan to put up on this “trail” that speak of it’s history and what was once there, include the fact that the very people who put up the signs and built the trail are the ones responsible for it’s complete and total destruction and that very few people actually wanted a “trail”? The only people who want it are the politicians. The Fishers and Noblesville mayors offices should be under a full investigation for corruption and malfeasance. Not one resident in our neighborhood which borders this corruption is in favor of a trail and plan to show their disproval at the next election. Good by Scott Fadness, and good riddance!

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