Fall Creek Township Trustee Doug Allman thankful for Todd Huston’s work on education

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Dear Editor:

Last week in a letter to the editor, Aimee Rivera Cole, the Democrat candidate for House District 37, said she was the only person interested in protecting school funding.

However, she fails to mention that it was House Speaker Todd Huston who authored the last state budget that invested $763 million more into K-12 education. He has increased funding to Hamilton Southeastern Schools by $37 million since 2012, and he has consistently said schools should be fully funded in this extraordinary school year.

Todd and his family have a deep connection to Hamilton Southeastern Schools and distinguished service to it. He, his wife and two kids are all graduates of Hamilton Southeastern, his wife was a teacher at Fishers Elementary School, and he has been a member of the Hamilton Southeastern School Board and Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation. He does not just talk about helping our schools, he delivers on it at the Statehouse and in our community.

I appreciate all that Todd Huston has done for our schools and am disappointed that Ms. Cole has chosen to misrepresent it. I look forward to voting for Todd and would encourage those who love and support Hamilton Southeastern Schools to do the same.

Doug Allman

Fall Creek Township Trustee