Editor’s note: On Wednesday, Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness issued a letter to Fishers residents. Fadness’ letter asked members of the community to take the fear and anger that stems from the coronavirus outbreak and channel it into action.

The month of March has changed our community’s trajectory as well each of our own circumstances. It has shattered our illusion of invincibility. We are continuously bombarded by the frightening news of COVID-19’s inevitable spread and the calamity of its economic consequences. Except for a few precious moments of distraction with my children, I know that I have thought of very little else and I am certain many of you are experiencing the same.
Fear and anger are natural by-products of the times that we find ourselves in. Our community is not accustomed to the notion of an uncertain outcome. In a community where perfection is prized, vulnerability can be an uncomfortable realization. The reality is that we are likely weeks, not days, away from reaching the apex of the COVID-19 spread in our metro area. More people will get sick and yes, more people will perish.
We must steel ourselves and our community to the fact that this will not end on the timeline we all would wish for. It will get worse before it gets better. If you are a parent, comfort and shelter your kids from it. If you are a business owner, you must prepare your employees and make the difficult decisions ahead. If you are an individual that is vulnerable to the disease you must take the appropriate precautions.
In the coming weeks, I ask that you take that fear, and at times anger, and channel it into action. Look after your neighbor that you know is scared or vulnerable. Donate and volunteer when called upon. Stay informed, but do not obsess on the steady stream of talking heads. Be a source of calm and compassion. Be patient with your loved ones. We all handle stress differently. Find humor and most importantly, find things to be grateful for.
The numbers have shown that there is only a small percentage of the population that is at risk of severe illness, but we will all be affected. The next 30 days will test our resiliency and character. Let us commit ourselves to compassionate action that will have us reflect on this unprecedented time with a quiet sense of pride about the true character and resolve of our Fishers community.
Scott Fadness