The Fishers Arts Council presents the October exhibit at The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers, now through Tuesday, Oct. 29, with a free public artist reception from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25. This exhibit looks at the art of calligraphy and features work by calligraphers of The Calligraphy Guild of Indiana.

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Calligraphy is beautiful writing perfected during the medieval years in the illuminated manuscripts of that era. Alphabet styles, ornaments, design, illustration, tools and materials, methods and practices make up the illustrious history of early books.
Today, calligraphy letters and words are being used for design elements as well as traditional certification recognitions, announcements, promotional materials and the handmade book.
Activities of the Guild include learning programs, demonstrations and “fair” presentations. Membership is open to anyone interested and includes a subscription to the quarterly publication produced by the members in calligraphy.
The Guild was formed in 1981 to establish and encourage interest in calligraphy and related handmade book-art crafts. The founding was encouraged by the Art Department of the University of Indianapolis following a guest lecture presentation by the Master Scribe, Donald Jackson of England.
Come and enjoy the study of letterforms and related arts in Indiana.