Every plot has a story

From the Hart

Have you ever walked through a cemetery and thought about the stories that lie in the plots of the gravesites?

My childhood – and now growing older together friend – Cathy Swank Fuqua, gave me this idea for a column.

I celebrated my 67th birthday on September 3. Have I told you that I love birthdays? I celebrate all month long. Just ask my husband.

A few years after my dad passed, my mother told me she wanted to buy me a “special” birthday present. I was excited to hear what she had in mind. It was a cemetery plot at Crownland Cemetery. I could not quit laughing. Now that is SPECIAL!

She wanted to know where I would be when I died. I told her I’d be with her in heaven. She laughed and said, “Janet, I mean your earthly body.” We both laughed. I now own my house, my mom’s house and a cemetery plot. All are within six blocks of each other in old Noblesville. I’d say prime real estate. My parents paid $6,500 for their house in 1951. I paid $17,500 for my house in 1975. Mom paid $600 for my burial plot. It would be a safe bet to say they have all appreciated, even my cemetery plot.

Now I’m thinking I need to pick out my headstone. I want my final decisions made now, so my family will not have to make any difficult decisions later. Honestly, I don’t mind thinking about death, but don’t worry, I plan to dance at my grandson, Thomas’ wedding reception. He was born on August 16. That would make me in my early nineties then. I hope I can still dance.

So back to the cemetery. I’ve always been fascinated with the cemetery. I grew up riding my bicycle through Crownland. The plot where I will “live” (doesn’t that sound better than “be buried”?) is in a row behind and two plots south of my parents. The lane to get there is lined with the plots of my friends and the parents of my friends. I like to say that my plot will be in the same “neighborhood” as my friends.

When people pass by my grave, I know there will be stories told. I want the stories to be one of “her words made a difference.”

We all have a story, and we all will have a legacy.

What will people remember about me? Did I love well? Did my words encourage? Did my testimony tell of my faith? Was I kind to those who hurt me? Did I love enough so that I will be missed by those I leave behind? Will people smile when they remember me?

People grieve because the person is no longer in their life, and they miss the love that was there. The truth is that the love will always be there. It will just look different. The love will go on.

I miss my mom and my dad, but wonderful reminders are left of their love for me … one just is very special … my cemetery plot. I still have to laugh.

Yes, my stories have a plot, and … my plot has a story. Stay tuned … I have more memories to make and more stories to tell.

Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.

1 Comment on "Every plot has a story"

  1. Marsha Mustin | September 4, 2022 at 9:52 am |

    Lovely story !! I beat you to it though as I purchased plots for me and my husband some years ago !! LOL. of course he wants nothing to do with it but I also wanted to know –and wanted OTHERS to know where we would “be”! I have yet to get our headstones –it’s on my to-do list ! Truly, your story made me smile but also struck a chord with it’s heartfelt message. Thank. you and God Bless, Marsha Mustin; Anderson , IN

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