Eric Pethtel has headed up the Fishers Department of Public Works for many years, and the city honored him for 30 years of service during the most recent City Council session.

Mayor Scott Fadness went on a journey of Mr. Pethel’s municipal career, beginning Feb. 1, 1991, when Pethtel walked into the municipal garage and later that day attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Holland Park in the Sunblest subdivision.
“Eric has turned what was a disjointed and siloed organization into one group that has an unbelievable work ethic and (is) always open for news things, always open for new challenges,” Fadness said.
In other news from Monday’s Fishers City Council meeting:
- An economic development and land acquisition agreement was approved for the planned Thompson-Thrift residential component of the Fishers District project. Fishers Villa will have a $57 million investment by the developer and will generate an estimated $800,000 a year in property tax revenue. A park will be a part of the development, with the city footing the bill for the necessary infrastructure.
- The city amended an economic development agreement with Rubbermaid, now occupying the former Jarden facility at 121st Street and Cumberland Road. Although Rubbermaid is not meeting its employment targets for economic incentives at that facility, employment in other parts of Fishers will be counted to comply with their commitments.
- The Wyne Tyme Club had organized for wine tasting, but COVID caused the Britton Falls group to disband. The $2,000 left in the treasury was donated to the Fishers Police Foundation.
- Approval was given to a text amendment allowing a restaurant near the planned Geist Waterfront Park once Councilman Pete Peterson’s concerns about a nearby boathouse were addressed. The restaurant will likely not be built for about five years.
- During the Community Comment period, a resident of Britton Falls expressed concern that the fire station promised to cover their neighborhood may be delayed from the promised 2022 opening. Mayor Fadness said the project is moving forward and the early 2022 opening is still a possibility.