Emily Beechler named Husky Hero for February

HHMS Media Center Specialist Emily Beechler (a.k.a. Mrs. B) was selected as the Husky Hero for the month of February. (From left) HHMS Principal Bret Bailey, Beechler, Amber Bowen, Craig Bowen of F.C. Tucker, baby Laken Bowen, and HHEF President/HHSC Technology Integration Melissa Martin. (Photo provided)

Emily Beechler, Hamilton Heights Middle School Media Center Specialist, has been named the Husky Hero for the month of February.

Beechler has worked as a teacher at Heights for 23 years, spending the past 15 in the Media Center. She is a powerhouse of passion and inspiration to students and teachers alike.

“Being selected as a Husky Hero is a great honor,” Beecher said upon learning of the honor. “I work with the very best people. Our building (and district) is full of adults who love kids, work hard, value others, and make a difference every day. To be singled out is very special, as I am acutely aware that I am surrounded by heroes every single day.”

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“Emily Beechler is the Media Center Specialist at HHMS, but she is SO MUCH MORE than just that,” said Erin Goodman, HHMS Art Teacher, who nominated Beechler for this award. “She is truly the heart and soul of our middle school. Mrs. Beechler has a sign in her office that says, ‘Look for the Left Out.” This is exactly what she does each and every day. When I was a new teacher to HHSC in 2017, Emily was the first staff member to reach out and check in on me. She would stop by my classroom, write encouraging notes, and introduce me to other staff members. She also modeled positivity, which I could tell had a ripple effect on the staff and students of HHMS. Emily has a gift for lifting others up. She does this with students, staff, and other community members NON-STOP!

Goodman continued, “Emily leads several student groups at HHMS including Student Government, Readers Club, Huskies for the Cross, Pokémon Go, and Spell Bowl. Recently she encouraged a student who was looking for a club to start one of his own. She saw that he needed peer connections and taught him how to get the Pokémon Go group started. This club really reached a unique group of students that may have not previously had an interest in extracurriculars. The student that started this group is now more confident and has made several new friends. He also has younger fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-grade students looking up to him for his leadership skills.

“Another amazing thing “Mrs. B” (as she is fondly referred), has done is starting the bookmobile at Hamilton Heights School Corporation. She found funding and transformed a school bus into a traveling library. She takes this bus to Atlanta, Cicero, and Arcadia for special events all summer. She offers books for all reading levels and a variety of interests.

“Beechler is a hero to so many in the Heights community and should be recognized with this award. She is a cheerleader for all. She is truly an inspiration to me, and I am sure that her impact will last a lifetime for so many of our students and staff members. Mrs. B inspires and models unconditional kindness and empathy. She steps up to help in so many ways in our school each and every day. She is a positive leader and a pillar in our school community.”

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“Mrs. Beechler is an outstanding educator who passionately serves all students and staff,” Heights Middle School Principal Bret Bailey said. “She is intentional with building positive relationships with her students and is focused on making a powerful and positive impact every day. Our team is extremely thankful for Mrs. Beechler. Our team is stronger because of her.”

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Beechler, who is motivated by her students and her team, REALLY likes middle school kids and it shows.

“They are just so weird and wonderful and goofy,” Beechler said. “They act like four-year-olds one minute and 17-year-olds the next … you have to be constantly on your toes. It’s a lot of work and a lot of stress, but it’s also a lot of fun. In my role, I get to have time with every single HHMS student. That is such an honor.”

Beechler continued, “It is also easy to be excited about my job when I am surrounded by people who are excited about their jobs. My role is special because I get to work directly with almost every teacher in our building. Sometimes I am teaching English and sometimes I am working with PE classes. It is very motivating to work so closely with so many amazing teachers. They teach, encourage, and challenge me to be better.”

“This award is impactful because it is such an encouragement. In our current climate, being a teacher can be a little discouraging. Kids are facing rough situations, and we don’t always have the tools to help them in the ways we wish we could. It can feel lonely and a little invisible. Being recognized helps teachers feel valued and a little less alone. It shows there are people outside of our building walls who “see” what we are trying to do. Thank you!”

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Do you know a Husky Hero? Nomination forms and information about this special recognition program for Hamilton Heights employees are available at bit.ly/hhschuskyhero. The Husky Hero Recognition program is made possible through the Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation in partnership with Craig and Amber Bowen (FC Tucker). #hhedfoundation