Doug Church: Shonkwiler is best qualified for the job

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Dear Editor:

Since I became old enough to vote, I have followed my dad’s admonition: vote for the best candidate.

Over time, I understood that he meant that, regardless of party affiliation or other partisan characteristics, if someone was simply better qualified based on all the factors that he would take into account, that’s who got his vote. In this election that is why I am voting for Alaina Shonkwiler to serve as my state representative for District 29 in the Indiana House of Representatives.

As a person with deep roots in our community, we have had a chance to observe her in action in various roles over many years and her work has been exemplary. Her motives have always been based upon a servant-leadership model. She is young enough to have the chance to serve many terms and move into leadership roles within the House. We know how valuable it is to have men and women from our County in such positions.

As a mother, a community leader, a worker devoted to improving the quality of life for her City and County, Alaina hits all the marks that make her the best candidate. That’s why she has earned my vote.

Doug Church