Don’t Leave It to Beaver group pleased with city’s “neutral” recommendation on gravel pit proposal

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Dear Editor:

Don’t Leave It to Beaver, a grassroots community group, is pleased to share that the City of Noblesville’s Planning Department released the staff recommendation on the gravel pit proposal in the 19100 block of Allisonville Road. You can read it in its entirety here.

The staff recommendation is “neutral” on the proposal. We are reassured that this issue, in which there is an elevated risk to the county’s drinking water, will now rest with the informed and appointed officials of the Noblesville Plan Commission.

Plan Commissioners will have the opportunity to vote on a recommendation for this proposal. That recommendation would follow the project into the Noblesville Common Council hearings in June. The elected officials of the Common Council will decide, ultimately, if this proposal is approved.

Previously on Nov. 16, 2020, the Plan Commission forwarded the proposal with “no recommendation” to the Common Council, as a consensus could not be reached. The petitioners, Beaver Materials and Hamilton County Parks, withdrew their petition in the weeks following before the Common Council could hear the issue.

Concerned citizens are invited to join the community as they hold a peaceful protest outside of City Hall at 4 p.m. on Monday, May 16, which precedes the Plan Commission meeting starting at 6 p.m. inside City Hall. Citizens that cannot participate in person are encouraged to sign the petition and write to their elected officials.

Don’t Leave It to Beaver

Stop the Gravel Pit