‘Don’t Leave It to Beaver’ continuing its own public education campaign


Editor’s note: The Don’t Leave It To Beaver grassroots organization that has been advocating against the proposed gravel pit near Potter’s Bridge Park recently released the following statement to citizens of Noblesville and all of Hamilton County. The Reporter is printing the statement in its entirety. Please note that the following does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hamilton County Reporter newspaper, its publisher or its staff.

Don’t Leave It to Beaver continues its public education campaign, both online and on foot, endeavoring to reach hundreds of homes and several businesses throughout Noblesville and warn them of the dangers a gravel pit and gravel pit lake could pose to their health and wealth in the coming decade.

At the same time, the Hamilton County Parks Department Board lent its support to Chris Beaver and Beaver Materials in a revised submission to the Noblesville Planning Commission. Hamilton County Parks and Recreation is officially designated as a co-petitioner.

A deal with Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Department, it appears, has been in the works out of the public eye for several months as stated in the project application: “The Hamilton County Parks Department has been collaborating with Chris Beaver for several months.”

The Don’t Leave It to Beaver group is profoundly disappointed in the Hamilton County Parks Department for the lack of public transparency on the issue, for its support of a gravel pit near Potter’s Bridge Park despite numerous ecological and safety concerns, and for the subsequent atmosphere of distrust.

Indeed, sheriff’s deputies were prepared at the Parks Board meeting to handle protesters who never appeared.

“If you were talking to your neighbors, you would understand that people are up at City Hall holding signs,” said Noblesville resident Jack Tharp, as he recounted the Park Boards meeting where Hamilton County Parks & Recreation Director Chris Stice recommended that the Parks Department sign on with Beaver as co-petitioners. “This is how out of it you are.”

The Don’t Leave It to Beaver group remains undeterred and will continue to fight for the good of the Noblesville community. Concerned Hamilton County residents should sign the online petition at Change.org/StopBeaver and take action at DontLeaveItToBeaver.com.