Don’t forget to change your clocks!

Once again, it’s time “Spring Forward” for Daylight Saving Time, so before you head to bed tonight, set your clocks forward one hour.

This weekend is also the perfect time to check your smoke detectors. Did you know working smoke alarms can cut the risk of dying in a home fire by half? That’s why it’s critical to take that lifesaving step to keep you and your family safe from home fires – the country’s most frequent disaster.

So don’t forget: “Turn and Test!”

1 Comment on "Don’t forget to change your clocks!"

  1. Mari Briggs | March 9, 2024 at 11:35 pm |

    It’s time to stop the “nonsense” of changing our clocks twice a year. What good does it do for everyone when boosting our clocks forward in the spring causes problems of sleep depredation for many? I propose for Indiana to go back to where we were before Mitch Daniels and Saturday Night Live were involved in changing the lives of all Hoosiers just to keep up with New York.

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