Noblesville Common Council approves Local Income Tax resolution . . .
The Noblesville Common Council unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday evening to adopt a local income tax increase of 0.1 percent, raising the 1 percent existing rate to 1.1 percent, a 10 percent increase. The new money will be used to fund 911 emergency services in Hamilton County.
Noblesville represents 17.4 percent of the 50 percent necessary to approve the county increase. The cities of Fishers, Westfield and the town of Arcadia have previously approved their resolutions for a total of 41.85 percent of the necessary vote. Noblesville’s vote tipped the scale to 59.25 percent, causing the new LIT to take effect Jan. 1, 2020.


“I applaud the members of our Common Council for approving this resolution. The advantage of this proposal is it distributes the funding of 911 emergency services across the county so Noblesville is no longer paying its cost at a disproportionate rate to the services we receive,” said Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear. “The proposed solution is the most equitable manner to fund 911 emergency dispatches and eliminates the cumbersome cost allocation system we use today.”
The major change proposed in the agreement is to raise the local income tax 0.1 percent. Instead of municipalities paying their portion, Hamilton County will collect and distribute the funding. There is no new revenue for Noblesville or any city voting on the agreement.
“The new formula spreads the cost among the entire county and not just certain communities. The money saved from the proposal approved today will allow us to fund other public safety needs so we may continue providing the level of service that our community deserves and expects from our police and fire professionals,” said Common Council Member Roy Johnson, head of the public safety committee. “Being at the forefront of technology is going to save lives.”