Donate to DNR to help “non-game species”

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Dear Editor:

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has only one program that focuses on non-game wildlife and rare and endangered species. “Non-game species” make up the vast majority in wildlife in Indiana.

Most of the funds raised for the fund last year came from contributions by taxpayers that chose to donate part of their refund on their annual state income tax return. Those donations are then matched by federal grants.

The bald eagle reintroduction has been so successful that the DNR quit doing its annual surveys. Osprey and peregrine falcon populations are growing steadily, and the river otter restoration has been so successful that otters are now found in almost every county.

The DNR Wildlife Diversity Section has more programs in place to help and study bats, reptiles and amphibians, fish, mussels, and more. This can only continue if the funding is available.

Look for the eagle logo on your tax form to donate to the Nongame Fund or send them a check outright. The federal government will match $9 for every $5 donated to the program.

Send donations to Indiana Non-game Wildlife Fund, 402 W. Washington St., W273, Indianapolis, IN 46204. For more information on the Wildlife Diversity Section, go to

You can make a difference.

Jim Sweeney
Schererville, Ind.