DNR free activities, bargains highlight State Fair

See live reptiles, teach a child to fish, talk with DNR experts, and enjoy loads of more free activities with the DNR at the Indiana State Fair, taking place Aug. 2-18. A DNR favorite, the Kids Fishin’ Pond, kicks off day one of the fair and will be offered daily.

“Reptiles Rule,” a live reptile show, will also be offered daily throughout the fair. Interpretive naturalists from across Indiana will talk about reptiles Hoosiers might find throughout their state.

Also featured each afternoon is a program with at least one live bird of prey.

Those events and more will be in or next to the air-conditioned Natural Resources Building, the hub of DNR State Fair activities. Check dnr.IN.gov/statefair for the entire DNR schedule, which is subject to change.

The 312,000-gallon Fishin’ Pond is adjacent to the Natural Resources Building and is packed with fish that are ready to be caught and released. Youth fishing is available there every day in the early evening and most mornings. Parents/guardians should check the daily schedule online or in the State Fair program. Exact hours differ on some days.

Visitors to the building also can view native Indiana fish in aquariums, ask questions of DNR experts, visit Mother Nature’s Mercantile to buy unique outdoors-themed items, or just take an air-conditioned break. The Mercantile will be selling state park Annual Entrance Passes to use for the remainder of 2019 for $20. The regular price is $50. The 2019 Golden Hoosier Passport, which is for senior citizens and also expires at the end of the calendar year, will be available for $10. Regular price is $25. Both offers are available only at the Mercantile at the State Fair.

Free copies of the just-off-the-presses Hunting Guide, as well as the current Recreation Guide, Fishing Guide and other informational brochures will also be available. You can also subscribe to Outdoor Indiana magazine at a special State Fair deal. Simply buy a subscription at the Mercantile and you will be handed the current July/August issue. Your one- or two-year subscription will start with the September/October issue, so you will get one issue for free.

All DNR activities at the fair, except buying items at the Mercantile, are free after paying gate admission to the Indiana State Fair.

Click here to check out some of what you’ll see from the DNR at the Indiana State Fair.